
Another great new jobs board launched today! - www.digitalindustryjobs.com

This new website uses our Virtual Consultant Jobs Board System and is the SIXTH jobs board we have launched in the last two months, we also have another 3-4 in the pipeline...

Here is their initial press release:

Life Just Got Easier For Digital Hiring Managers! - 5th October 2007

www.digitalindustryjobs.com is a new job board going live today. It is the first digital job board to cover the entire digital marketplace, featuring 23 digital different sectors, in-depth on a single jobsite.

DigitalIndustryJobs.com found the digital jobs market as a whole was under served in terms of dedicated and specialist recruitment advertising space for employers, recruiters and job seekers.

As a result they see a big opportunity to bridge this gap and provide a valuable recruitment service to the digital industry in the form of www.digitalindustryjobs.com.

The launch of www.digitalindustryjobs.com means employers and recruiters no longer have to post their digital jobs on non specialist, IT or generalist job boards where there is a high risk of jobs getting lost amongst the 1000’s of non digital positions. Jobseekers now need only go to one job board to see what jobs are on offer in all digital sectors!

www.digitalindustryjobs.com is offering all digital employers and recruiters FREE job postings until 2008 while it rolls the site out across 23 digital sectors.

"Simply logon to www.digitalindustryjobs.com and post your roles for free while we build our visitor numbers." says a spokesman for the new digital website. He goes onto to say "It is our goal to make www.digitalindustryjobs.com the premier digital ’ONLY’ job board in the industry, enabling digital professionals of all kinds, recruiters and employers to be able to meet and fill digital positions faster and more cost effectively than before."

Digital sectors featured on www.digitalindustryjobs.com are;
Broadband Jobs / Digital Signage Jobs / Digital Agency Jobs / Digital Film & Cinema Jobs / Digital Radio ’Station’ Jobs / Digital Telecoms Jobs / Digital AV Jobs / Digital Gaming Jobs / Digital Radio Jobs (DAB) / Digital TV Jobs / Digital Broadcasting Jobs / Digital Music Jobs / Digital Recruitment Jobs / IP TV Jobs / Digital Designer Jobs / Digital Photography Jobs / Digital Sales Jobs / Mobile TV Jobs / Digital Engineering Jobs / Digital Print Jobs / New Media Jobs / Digital Freelance Jobs / VoIP Jobs

Email: info@digitalindustryjobs.com
Phone: 0845 051 515120
Web: www.digitalindustryjobs.com

Part of the Digital Jobs Network owned by Recruitment Media Solutions Ltd


Anonymous said…
Hi .nice blog.I am HR of a well-developing concern.I need to post jobs .can anybody

suggest best way..
thank you............

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