IT'S HERE!!! Zero-One Designs new website. Now offering more online services, websites with even more functionality and incredible pricing plans!
Yes, we've done it! We've finally managed to design and build our own website.
Sounds silly doesn't it? An accomplished web design company struggling to launch their own website? Well not really...designing and building a website from start to finish takes time if you want to get it right as only we should know. Finding the time amongst our commitments to our has clients has been challenging to say the least but from redesigning our logo to adding an array of new services and pricing structures plus the odd frustrating debate over design and images we've reached the conclusion.
Over the past year we've had some exciting developments at ZOD. We've now acquired a small team of Writers which enables us to offer a content assistance and creation service along with social media support and management and online PR for ongoing online marketing. Website content is now king when building a website so these are welcomed in house developments that serve to enhance our customer service.
We have also made some major advances this year in the niche market of Medical Recruitment Websites. Our clients in this market are amazed at the added and specialized functionality they are getting from their medical websites, including online time sheets for their Doctors and Nurses for shift accuracy, personal reminders and Doctor and Nurse availability plus much, much more.
Our International business relationships are also improving with clients now in America, Saudi, Malaysia and Dubai. Zero-One Design new website is designed to continue to grow our business globally as we thoroughly enjoy the diversity of clients that we have.
All in all its a great beginning to the year and we're expecting great things from the new website. If we can't do it for ourselves then who can we do it for?
Why not go and take a look around Happy New Year!
Sounds silly doesn't it? An accomplished web design company struggling to launch their own website? Well not really...designing and building a website from start to finish takes time if you want to get it right as only we should know. Finding the time amongst our commitments to our has clients has been challenging to say the least but from redesigning our logo to adding an array of new services and pricing structures plus the odd frustrating debate over design and images we've reached the conclusion.
Over the past year we've had some exciting developments at ZOD. We've now acquired a small team of Writers which enables us to offer a content assistance and creation service along with social media support and management and online PR for ongoing online marketing. Website content is now king when building a website so these are welcomed in house developments that serve to enhance our customer service.
We have also made some major advances this year in the niche market of Medical Recruitment Websites. Our clients in this market are amazed at the added and specialized functionality they are getting from their medical websites, including online time sheets for their Doctors and Nurses for shift accuracy, personal reminders and Doctor and Nurse availability plus much, much more.
Our International business relationships are also improving with clients now in America, Saudi, Malaysia and Dubai. Zero-One Design new website is designed to continue to grow our business globally as we thoroughly enjoy the diversity of clients that we have.
All in all its a great beginning to the year and we're expecting great things from the new website. If we can't do it for ourselves then who can we do it for?
Why not go and take a look around Happy New Year!