Professional Article Writing Service: Getting Value for Money.
How a Professionally Written Article can give you a Great Return on Investment

Ever since Zero-One Design added professional copywriting and blogging to its already popular press release and article distribution service, there has been a lot of interest generated. With this interest there have also been a lot of questions asked, and hopefully answered to the clients’ satisfaction, about the value of using a professional blogger and copywriter; let’s face it, in these troubled times every penny counts.
Let us help you to become the biggest name in your niche, so when the customer thinks about the product, they think of your brand and you will get the best possible return on your investment. Time is Money When you are running a business have you ever uttered those immortal words: “there just aren’t enough hours in the day”…?
This is a problem that faces many business owners/managers. There isn’t time enough to get everything done in a day as it is, and then you have to sit down and think about churning out 400-500 words about your business to put on your company blog? You have to tweet a link to it, not forgetting to update your company’s Facebook page. You have to compose a sales letter that’s going to make your customers salivate over the new product you’ve just added to your line; you have to write a press release about the product launch and get that distributed; update the landing page on your website, making sure you get the SEO just right so you’re top of the search engine rankings; write the blurb for the brochure; prepare the monthly newsletter… STOP!
It is time to delegate some of that responsibility to a professional. Contact Zero-One Design to discuss your professional blogging, article writing and all other copywriting needs; free up some time to concentrate on the other aspects of growing your business and leave the rest to us. Overcoming Writer’s Block You’ve taken the time to learn how to put together a professional blog, you are going to link it back to your company website and you know everything there is to know about search engine optimisation. You’ve built it and you are ready to write your first blog post. In front of you is the biggest, whitest, blankest space you’ve ever come across in your life. Suddenly there is a realisation that you have promised yourself that you will write a new article every week, but you haven’t a clue what you will write about.
You’ve had some great ideas about what you wanted to include, you sort of know what you want to say, but actually writing it, doing the subject matter justice? Not as easy as it seemed. You can get the first one done: make notes or brainstorm/mind mapping, whatever; write the first draft, optimise it, write the second draft. It looks good, you’re happy with it. You look at your watch, half the day is gone and you need to do this all over again, every week? “What am I going to write about next time?” If you want us to write those blogs for you, all you have to do is ask. Contact Zero-One Design about our professional blogging service.
Value for Your Money There are, unfortunately, companies out there that offer to write articles of around 500 words for about £10, or something crazy like that. You may look at that and think that it’s a great deal, but remember the saying: “You get what you pay for.” You will get an article of around 500 words alright but will it be of any use to you? A properly composed and well written article that has been optimised for search engines will take around four hours to produce. This accounts for keyword research, proper structuring of the argument presented, introduction, main body and conclusion, written in two drafts.
Who would do all that for £2.50 per hour? I would suspect that there might be a bit of overseas outsourcing going on. Anyone can write 500 words in an hour if you are just throwing the words onto the page, but will the article be well written? Will it be grammatically correct? Will the spelling look like it’s been through a US spellchecker? Will the syntax stand up to scrutiny? Doing it badly is worse than not doing it at all because you will have wasted your time, your money and your professional reputation! Don’t forget the fact that this article is representing you, your company, your product or service. If you want to get ahead of your competitors, you will want to be thought of as an authority within your niche.
A well-considered, professional article will help you achieve this, just having 500 words on a page will not. Talk to Zero-One Design about our professional blogging and article writing services and discover that becoming an authority in your niche will cost less than you think.
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