‘Oppo Recruitment’, new business launch.

Oppo Recruitment are a new recruitment service dedicated to ex military personnel, Zero-One Design Ltd who are website design specialists based in Tamworth, Staffs created their new website.

Here's an exerpt from their launch press release:

Oppo Recruitment is owned by a an ex-military serviceman who after years in the forces struggled to find a work and desperately wants to ensure that ex-military do not face the same issues as he did.

He said “ After leaving the forces myself not long ago I knew that things were going to be tough especially in the current climate, I used my ECLAS credits and completed a number of courses and fortunately with some exceptional advice and assistance through Family and Friends I managed to find work. I have a very personal reason for dedicating my time, effort and money to this business and that is to ensure that my fellow ex servicemen don’t stumble across the same areas where I had problems and that there is more than one company to approach when help is needed.”

Visit info@opporecruitment.co.uk for more information.


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